Value Towards Ecosystem

Fair trade policies

  • Fair Trade Policies are dutifully adhered to by our company. We share a mutual respect towards society and communities around the globe.
  • No farmer below the age of 18 is employed on our farms. Optimum health and hygiene for farmers are ensured through regular health check-ups organised on the farms.
  • No night shifts are organised at the farms to ensure farmers get proper rest.
  • Primary education for children of all farmers is an imperative task at our hands which we make sure, is given to each and every child. In addition, facility of creche during the day is also provided.
  • Equipping farmers by imparting them technical know- how on useful farming systems and techniques help in get better, more improved and healthier yields.


  • Our sustainable environmental initiatives help reduce carbon footprints. Be it through use of appropriate packaging material, incorporating renewable energy, reducing odiferous air submission and conserving non-renewal material.
  • We employ best farming methods and innovative solutions to protect both health and environment.
  • Decreasing environmental impact in our distribution channels by incorporating greener transportation methods and continuously evolving the distribution system.
  • Instilling more environmentally sustainable environments at our offices.

Respect towards our society

  • Participate and contribute in the development of local economies of our company locations.
  • Support philanthropic as well as cultural and educational activities.
  • Create a bond with local communities and neighbours
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